Tata sky- Recharge Tatasky for 12 months and get 2 months free with ICICI cards

Do you use Tata sky connection for your T.V? ICICI in partnership Tata Sky have come up with an offer where you have to Recharge Tatasky for 12 months and get 2 months free with ICICI cards. Grab the offer now.

tata sky

How to Recharge Tatasky for 12 months and get 2 months free with ICICI cards?

1 . Visit here

2. Initiate Dth recharge by entering ID and amount(Equivalent to 12 months)

3. Complete your payment via ICICI Debit/Credit card only.

4. Done. Cashback will be credited after recharge.

Terms and conditions:-

  • Cashback would be credited in their Tata Sky account within 7 working days.
  • In case of Annual Recharge, one month worth of cashback would be credited within 48 hours and the other month within 7 working days of the successful recharge.
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