Honor Flash Sale – Honor has recently launched Honor 7s in low segment range pricing it at a mere value of Rs 6999. Today, Honor is hosting a flash sale at 11.45 AM and giving away Honor 7s in just Rs 1 until stock runs out. Brace yourself.
How to Avail the offer?
1 . First of all, visit Honor Registration Page Here.
2. Register on the link and save an address in your profile.
3. Login and go this Link at 11.40 AM.
4. You’ll see a countdown which will strike 0 at sharp 11.45 AM.
5. Click on Buy now button then.
Users may see “too many participants” message after clicking on the “Buy Now” button. In that case, we recommend you keep on trying to maximize your chances to reach the “Order Page”
6. Make the payment with available options.
7. Done!!! You’ll get an estimate delivery date.
Terms and conditions :-
- The flash sale is on a first come first served basis.
- Each user is only allowed to grab a maximum of ONE unit.
- All users who place order successfully get the chance to buy Honor Products at cost as communicated.
- COD payment method is not supported for this event. All order(s) without FULL payment made within 24 hours shall be cancelled automatically.
- There is no warranty for Honor Products as flash sale product.
- Users who use including but not limited to malicious software will be disqualified.
- Vision reserves the right to review and cancel particular cost of the orders in case of suspicious activity.
- Shipping is free of cost for this product.
- Notwithstanding the above, it usually takes standard 5 to 7 working days for item shipping. Expected delivery dates are however indicative. Please be aware that occasionally actions beyond our control result in delays in delivery. For this reason, Vision reserves the rights to extend the expected delivery dates.
For More Such Offers – Click Here